Sunday, September 26, 2010

"Madonna and Child" Cyanotype

This image was particularly difficult, since the original photo I took was of this (beautiful) 12th century sculpture, in low light, without a flash--just a dim spotlight was on the statue, and I didn't even know if I'd captured it. As you may see, it has high contrast, and though the faces are fairly sharp, the lower portion is out of focus.

The cyanotype on the left was done using a single neg, full sun, at 20 minutes, with HP in the rinse (oh, and yes, it's in reverse of orig. image). The cyanotype on the right was also done with a single negative, cloudy skies, exposed for 1 1/2 hours, also with HP in the rinse.
I'm trying another with 2 negs right now. We shall see what happens.

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